"My experience is that there is, you know, surprisingly,
always hope." Doctor Who
I've always operated under the theory that one should write
to tell, not to sell. If you're looking to become a fantabulously wealthy
author with countless cars, credit cards and cache, keep trucking. Yep! There
ARE instances obviously, writers who have achieved that very status BUT fairly
certain they didn't set out that way to begin with. They were burning inside
with stories and passion and desperate to put what we see in our minds eye down
onto something that perhaps would survive the ages, something of our
immortality what would linger in the halls of time.
There was a time when I sat, simply inert, and waited for
the universe to happily hand me what I felt was my due. To give over the
portion of success and happiness that I saw happening around me. This wasn't to say I was a complete bitch,
just horribly blind and selfish. I didn't think, in my arrogant youth, that I'd
have to actually work for it! Not pour blood, sweat and tears into at least
trying! What the hell? I didn't sign up for that!
But you all know THAT story.
I'm here to share the latest leg of my journey, to tell you it
is possible to have dreams true. That, yeah, if you don't give up no matter how
many times you fall ass over elbows, that your ceaseless persistence and stubborn
will may very well jiggle the lock on the door of your deepest desire.

April 21st, that following Monday, I sucked up my
fear and doubt (after all yes, I am Torie James, but honestly who the hell has
ever heard of me outside of Facebook and my home? Yes, I had a published book.
Three actually. But let's be realistic...most of the world has no clue who I
am. They probably know that pig from the Geico commercials better!) and sat
down to write a short email explaining who
I was and dashing off my inquiry about TN being on their selves possibly. I hit
send, OD'd on chocolate and tried to push it the back of my mind. I did not
expect an answer. At best, perhaps, a thank you for asking but "come back
when you're in the King, Kenyon, Harris, Rowling, Patterson leagues."
I was prepared for rejection. Hope for the best, expect the
worst. My motto. It would make me sad should that happen, yeah. But...it
wouldn't stop me from doing what I do!
So imagine my surprise when I was curled up in bed Friday
afternoon, watching Doctor Who and day dreaming of Time and Space and my phone
burst out with my notification alert (Star Wars Theme, by the way. What? That
cannot have truly surprised anyone.) I picked it up, saw it was from Barnes and
Noble and my stomach did a triple Lindy ...twice! I sighed, steeling myself for
the answer and opened the email. Read it....
Barnes & Noble Orange
Apr 25 (2 days ago)
to me
Hi Torie,
Congratulations on the publication of your book. You must be
so excited! Your title is readily available in our system - would you be
interested in a local author signing at our store?
We are hosting a bookfair for the Orange Public Library the
second week of July and should have heavier traffic in our store because of it.
I could schedule you for a couple hours during the evening of Wednesday July 9
or Thursday July 10.
If either of those dates works for you please let me know
and we'll move forward with planning.
Ms. Shannon
"Shay" Beckman
Community Relations Manager
Barnes & Noble
791 S. Main St. #100
Orange, CA 92868
I blinked. Read it again. Then again. I screamed for my
mother who came running, all wild eyed. Pointed to the message, watched her
read it...and blink. Then look at me. I read it once more...
And burst into happy tears. After I'd calmed down from my
Snoopy Dance and massive hugs from Mum, I quickly replied that that would be
simply....wonderful. I thanked her profusely for the chance and moments later
received the confirmation of my appearance date and that she'd get back to as
things became finalized on their end.
THAT ...had been awesome! I sat on the news for a few hours,
you know, just in case, I was having some weird cheese and chocolate induced
dream. Then I shared with my publisher, my family and my other family....my
Many happies ensued! I was on cloud nine! No..screw cloud
nine! I was on cloud..um...13!! YESH!
Then it got better...

Then came the confirmation Email!
Tonya Smalley
Apr 26 (1 day ago)
to Karen, Brenda, Carolyn, me, Rowena, Charlene, Catherine,
Dear RONE Award finalist,
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your book has now moved on to the final
judging round for the 2014 RONE Awards. It is now being read and rated by a
panel of professional judges which will determine the winner of the “Best Indie
or Small Published book of 2014”.
Winners will be presented at the gala RONE awards ceremony
on July 11th, 2014 at the Golden Nugget in Las Vegas, NV, in conjunction with
the Romance Novel Convention.
We sincerely hope that you will be able to attend the gala event! It
will be an exciting evening for one and all, and we would love to see each and
every one of you there!
I burst into my second set of the happiest tears I can remember
shedding. Breathless, scared and ecstatic. To even be considered humbles me. To
know I have made it to the last round? I am filled with this sense of ....gratitude.
How the hell did I get to this place?
I didn't give up. I persisted. I worked hard...and I DO work
hard. Make no doubt. From the moment I wake until the second my eyes close at
night, I am always writing, marketing, promoting and researching. I may work
hard but let me just say it's NOT a job. How can I say something as trivial as
that? Writing is my passion...never a burden.
I believe we're all given a gift in this life. Sometimes, we find it,
sometimes we don't. Sometimes, we don't try hard enough because we are full of
doubt and fear.
And sometimes? Sometimes, we just say fuck it and embrace
If we're lucky, it embraces us right back.
I can't wait to see what my future holds! But I don't for
one moment, lose sight of my present or those in it. And I definitely know that
I will always be grateful to so many for their love, support and help. I built
New Camelot to soothe an ache inside of me. And you guys? You are making me
into a worthy Once and Future Queen who will never forget one moment of this, or you.
No matter what happens.
So! Lots of changes are in the wind! Coming with?
Rock on my sexies! And Blessed Be!
Sending love from New Camelot!
I'm so proud of you babe!!