Thank the Gods for a supportive family, the best friends
anyone can ever be blessed with, and my wonderful and warm network of New
We were almost late because of the Girl Who Would Be Queen
(me) as we were halfway to Barnes and Noble when I realized I'd left my banner
at home. Since I was driving, I shifted the Falcon into hyperdrive and we sped
back, grabbed Le Banner and got back on the road. I told my mother to just
close her eyes as my driving was a cross between the Fast and the Furious and
Cannonball Run.!
My scheduled time was 6-8pm and I'd be sharing a table with
smexy Historical Fiction Authoress, Rachel Demeter, who turned out to be a
sweet girl and kindred spirit. First thing I saw as we pulled up? A huge sign
outside the front doors….
I almost cried. Me! Torie James! My name in connection with
B & N? Who'dve thunk it? Mom, Sister and I took a moment to just drink that
in and then we raced inside to get set up. This is one of the more
"trafficked" B & N's so there is generally always a healthy
amount of peeps looking to get their read on and last night was no different. I felt like a Rock Star, despite my nerves,
which I always cleverly disguise under the mask of loud and brash. I had a
bottle of ice cold Fiji Water with my name on it on my end of our table but the
best thing by far?
Sitting there in pretty, glossy stacks were copies of
Timeless Night and Timeless Desire! 30 books in total. Two more signs graced
the upper and lower levels of the store and I tried to busy myself with laying
out the grab bags and goodies I'd brought with nervous glances at the time. I'd
spent the day getting fancified and researching these types of events online.
New Writers….it didn't look encouraging for us. I made myself sick with the
pro's AND con's, reading them until I could recite each bit of
"advice" in crack-head detail.
So I did what I always did in these cases and hoped for the
best but expect the worse.
6 pm came and went. Tick Tock. Tick Tock. Luckily, both
Rachel and I had our familia's and were able to relax in simple conversation as
we all got to know each other. Rachel and I whispered in low asides to one
another about game planes and brill ideas. I got a bit disheartened…there was
plenty of customers but no one was really paying us much notice. Even though we
literally at the front door!
Then I glanced at the time on my Darth Vader watch again.
6:20pm. Heavy sigh.
I didn't have the chance to look at the damn thing again
until after 8. AFTER 8!!!
It started with a trickle of new customers as they walked
in, some heading our way, drawn by the huge bowl of candy that Rachel had the
wisdom to bring. Oh…piece of candy! Oh…piece
of candy! That's right my little ones…step into mah web, said the spider to the
fly! Candy grabbing led to inevitable
conversations. Some patrons liked Rachel's genre (Historical) and gravitated
her way but barely gave me a smile. But on the other hand, I attracted my own
little crowd. Those keen on smexy Paranormal shenanigans and looking for
something new. Now, I could have sat back and simply smiled, nodding at the
appropriate times but not really interacting. But that's not my way.
I have always operated under the theory that there are no
strangers, just friends I haven't met yet. I'd forgotten how much I genuinely
love people and getting to know them in these types of outings. I'd spent so
much time the last few years perfecting my crazy ol' recluse act that I'd let
go of the fact that I AM a social creature and love, love, love meeting new
folks. The good news is this is such a natural transition for me, I eased right
back into my butterfly mode!
In the midst of greeting people, I was also blessed with the
surprise appearances of several friends I'd made online! People whom I consider
my family to be honest, cyberspace soulmates if you will. The best part was
seeing them, knowing them and just throwing your arms around them and silently
thanking the Fates for making that moment possible. Carolyn, Lyn and Brent….you
done made me tear up! You traveled so far just to spend a few minutes with me
and that…..well…you'll never know how much it meant to me. I love you!
Another lovely surprise was looking up and seeing another
author from my family at Breathless Press walk in! Lady Brantwijn! Girl, you
threw me for a loop but I am so happy you showed up and stayed the whole time,
as did a few others. It was awesome sauce to meet you, B, and I can't wait to
do ComicKaze with you! You rock!
There were moments where I lost my breath, moments when I
looked up in the midst of signing book to just stop and look around. I saw some
of my friends and fans talking TO each other and laughing, having a good time.
Some only met last night. And yet, there they were, mingling and making
memories. And that is the true magic and the one thing that made me prouder
than anything. I didn't know what to say when the niece of a fan showed up and
bought book 2. She'd read Timeless Night and was hooked! She couldn't wait to
read more and asked so many questions about New Camelot I wanted to hug her. So
I did! *grins* Another lady, a coworker of a friend of my mother's, showed up
and although she'd read both Ebook versions, wanted print copies as well! She made
me cry hardcore when she told me she never was much impressed with "first
timers" but I'd changed the game! ME! WTH?
*watery laugh* I've started crying again…but happy tears
only! It was a lovely experience I hope to know again. I hadn't even realized
we'd gone past our time until I just happened to glimpse a wall clock. It was
8:15! And people were STILL at our table! It was surreal and unforgettable! I
didn't actually leave until about 8:50 pm. *winks* Last minute sale and sign!
So…now what?
I'll tell you what! We are just getting started! As it stands
now, I'll be making a couple more appearances at other Barnes and Noble stores
as soon as we can get it set up. The Community Manager, Lady Shay, was
impressed with the turnout and said she hadn't seen such a gathering for any
brand new authors in a long time. *squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* We're going to
attempt to gather up a few more local area writers and do a panel. Brantwijn
and I are going to ComicKaze in L.A. over Halloween weekend. HUGE turnout is
expected and we're gonna shag that thing hard!
I made new connections, made new plans and got to hug people
I've been dying to meet. I signed books, talked shop and even gave good advice
to a new fan about writing. I got to listen to a gnarly Dr. Who debate rage on
at the table. Brantwijn showed me a lot of smut on her Kindle. *winks and blows
kiss* I watched my normally introverted sister interact with strangers and
smile as she did it. She even grabbed some flyers and freebies to take to the
upper level and gave stuff out. I got to see the gift bags I'd made (full of
pretties from some of the most talented people I know!) be received with awe. I
heard compliments about some of the goodies, preened with praise when people told
me how much they loved the covers of both Timeless Night and Desire! (Lady
Victoria..THAT WAS ALL YOU!! YOU ROCK!). I was so happy last night. Not just
myself but for my friends who contributed to the bags. You guys have some new
fans now too!
It was the best feeling. I wish you had ALL been able to be
with me. But I had you in my heart and that made it precious. Because for those
few moments when I did falter…I heard your voices in my head….loving me and
encouraging me, just as you've done all along.
This small success….its yours as well as mine.
And I hope, a dazzling example of what can happen for YOU,
when you dare to take a risk. It won't just fall in your lap. So, are you going to go kick ass or what?
Awww Miss T- this was so wonderful to read that I had to comment. Perhaps i will vicariously through you for the time being. :) it sounds like it was an amazing experience and i'm super jelly you met Brantwijn. But I am so elfing happy for you that it turned out wonderfully and you made good impressions. You are a very gifted writer...I'll always believe that my diamond in the rough :)
ReplyDelete*hugs tight* I have no words to say how much you mean to me, Lady D! *winks* Thank you...for everything. <3
ReplyDeleteSo happy for you! I'll have to try a book-signing someday but haven't got a clue where to begin...so I'l be running to you crying "Help! Help! What do I do?" It's the price you pay for being so fab, dahling... :)
ReplyDelete*laughs* Stahp! *hugs* Its all part of my world domination by consistent nagging! plan! *grins* And thank you, Miss Christina! You are someone I admire and you inspire me every day!
DeleteAw, man...I wrote this long passionate comment with lots of gushing praise, and blogger ate it. Oh well. I'll recreate it tomorrow but for now, you were AMAZING, lady!
ReplyDelete(sorry if the smut was distracting >.>)
*hugs* One of the brightest happies that night was seeing you! I am so blissed out you showed up! And for the record, I love smut. Bring it on! <3